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High Grade Graphite from Tanzania, East Africa

The Mining Resource

The Resource was calculated with a 5% Fixed Carbon cut-off grade and the average grade of 5.97 Fixed carbon for measured resource. The average bulk density values for both ligolith and rock that were 2.5. The total graphite resources of 41,480,000 tons at average grade of 5.97 has been estimated from the Nandagala Graphite Project area which has also been categorized as 40%, 990,542.4 tons fixed carbo for measured/proven resource, 30%, 742,906.8 tons fixed carbon as indicated resources and 30%, 742,906.8 tons fixed carbon as inferred resources based on the on variogram, drilling spacing and experience. The total amount of graphite resource which include measured, indicated and inferred is 2,476,356 tons and the total minable resources is 990,542.4 tons fixed carbon. 

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